
Movie Kingsman : The Secret Service

Monday, 23 February 2015


Sebenarnya masa hari kedua cerita kingsman keluar dekat wayang, aku dah serbu nak tengok. tengok trailer macam best je kan. tapi hari ni baru nak cerita dalam blog hahaha

okay, sinopsis cerita dia macam ni.

  1. Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Taron Egerton), whose late father secretly worked for a spy organization, lives in a South London housing estate and seems headed for a life behind bars. However, dapper agent Harry Hart (Colin Firth) recognizes potential in the youth and recruits him to be a trainee in the secret service. Meanwhile, villainous Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) launches a diabolical plan to solve the problem of climate change via a worldwide killing spree.
Aku bagi rate :


Sebab ape? sebab bagi aku cerita ni best dan paling penting kelakar sangat. kalau korang tak tengok memang rugi hihi aku masa dalam wayang hari tu asyik tergelak je bila tengok Taron Egerton berlakon. Dia mengisahkan tentang perisik yang menyiasat tentang kejahatan yang pelakon Samuel L. Jackson tu buat. Dia cipta satu sim card free call, free internet and sim card tu pun just free. hanya dengan mencipta sim card boleh menakluki dunia. totally memang best lahh. korang patut tengok this movie, memang berbaloi dengan duit tiket yang korang bayar. 

so ape lagi? pergi tengok cepat! hihi

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